Jan 7, 2022

Today's draw: A new hope

Today's draw: A new hope

Figured I'd start journaling my thoughts on my daily draws as a way to explain my life, given that one of my resolutions this year was to blog more. [ 6 of swords ]-1

Dec 26, 2021

Year 2021 Retrospective

Early January of this year, I was teaching striking and grappling from the tiny screen in my art room turned training room. My job at the Bank was incredibly alienating and lonely, and

Dec 16, 2021

Uses for old tea bags

Add a hint of flavor to rice or grains. Hang your used tea bags in boiling water to infuse your food with a touch of flavor. Think jasmine tea with rice or chai

Sep 16, 2021

Getting myself together.

Basically writing this because my whole general sentiment lately has been that I really let myself get outdated in the cybersecurity and development front while I was busy training martial arts and combatives

Jul 15, 2021

My solitary life.

I couldn't sleep tonight, despite my best efforts (sans pills). So for the past few hours, I lay around with my eyes closed, thinking about life and relationships... just the usual universal topics

Jun 3, 2021

Shooting in for takedowns

This is the best explanation I've seen on the drill thus far... Note the use of footwork to practice feints. The forward momentum with no wasted movement in other directions. The straight posture.

Jun 1, 2021

Dumpling party fillings

Dumpling party fillings

We had a dumpling party a couple weekends ago. One of our guests doesn't eat pork, so I came up with a few options for non-pork fillings. I also created my own chili

May 22, 2021

Wisdom from Hagakure

A man is a good retainer to the extent that he earnestly places importance in his master. This is the highest sort of retainer. If one is born into a prominent family that

May 17, 2021

Chicken liver pup treats

Chicken liver pup treats

For 1/2 lb of chicken livers... 1 cup of oatmeal, pulsed into a fine powder0.25 cup of all-purpose flour1  egg (I used jumbo sized)Pre-heat the oven at 325 degrees. Grease